Hello. I provide you the Travel advice/consulting service and the Guide service in Japan, such as the advice/support/make up of your travel planning in Japan, attending your trip (business or sightseeing) and the pick up service at the airport. In particular, Nature, Mountain trails, Historical tour (Ruins, Castle, old trail) and Archtecture/Geotechnical Engineering are my major field. Followings are my special offers.
Enjoy your trip and good life in Japan!
(1) Visit to Japan’s 100 mountains
and beautiful mountain trails
From North to South, Mr. Kyuya Fukada has nominated the 100 famous and beatiful mountains through his plentiful experiene (1964) thoughout Japan. I have completed to walk up all 100 mountains so far since 1980. In addition, we have very nice mountain trails all over Japan. I will provide you the suitable plans to approach the mountain area and all information of trails, huts and nice hot springs (Onsen). Please see my Blog (see the side menu), the side menu 'Mountail Trail' and following photos (Near summit of Mt. Hakuba/Big snow valley in Mt. Hakuba/Mt. Hakkoda in Aomori...Red leaf/Mt. Iide).
(2) National Park & UNESCO World Heritage Sites wandering
I recommend following National Parks.
1)Mt. Aso (now it is active, so please take care), Mt. Kujyu, the highland in Kyusyu Island
2)Chubu Sangaku, Mt. Utukushigahara, Mt. Kirigamine
3)Yakushima island...World Heritage Site
4)Oze wetland and Mt. Hiuchi
5)Himeji Castle...World Heritage Sites
6)Kyoto and Nara
7)Fuji, Hakone, Izu national part
8)Towada-Hachimantai, Sanriku sea coast
Please see my Travel Plans for you in the side menu.
Photo (Mt. Hiuchi from Oze wetland/Himeji Castle/Fushimi-Inari Shrine/Mt. Aso)
(3) San-in Local Sites Trip (Tottori-Shimane Pref.)
This is the area with Japan's old myth located in west Japan 800km from Tokyo. A lot of old shrines including Izumo-Taisya shrine and Kumano Shrine and many ruins are always welcome to you. Tottori-sand dune is the largest dune in Japan and you may enjoy to see the Sand musium. Mt. Daisen is the landmark of this area and you can enjoy to walk in Kurayoshi old town area. Iwami-ginzan is the old silver mine and is registered as World Heritage Site in 2007.
Photo (Tottori Sand dune/Sand Musium/Mt. Daisen/Kurayoshi old town/Iwami Silver mine)
Please see my Travel Plans in the side menu.
Sand musium
(4) Enjoy Golf
If you stay in Japan and want to enjoy the golf, I recommend you to register 'On-line Golf Tee Booking service', after that it is easy to find and reserve nice golf course for you even one person. On-line golf tee booking service is the system which is provided widely to the people in Japan who has no colleague or accompanied players. So, I can assist you to register and attend you all the holes, if necessary. If you like and it locates in Chiba or Ibaraki Pref., I can pick up you at nearest JR station in the morning.
Example of On-line Golf Tee Booking service

(5) Tokyo Tour / Business Support
If you stay in Tokyo and want to enjoy private tour or need business support (interpretor), I can guide for you for example in the main route, such as Asakusa-Skytree-Ginza-Meiji shrine-Tokyo National Musium.
Mitsuo NOZU,
Mobile phone:+81-90-2226-2816 (Japan)
# National Guide Certificate (English) No. EN00958 (Chiba Prefecture, Japan)
# Domestic travel service supervisor No.26-46-728
# 200USD(20,000JPY)-/day, not include transportation fee and other necessary expenses.
# Credit card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express) is available at meeting time.