Mt. Hiruzen (1202m) ,Okayama & Tottori pref.

# JR Okayama station-Kami-hiruzen Tozanguchi parking lot, 1hrs45min (115km) by rental car


Time: 7.0km(3hr40min)
Start elevation:546m(Parking lot)
Highest point 1202m
Elevation gain 656m
GPS (Parking lot) 3518'33.23" N 13338'21.21" E

Mt. Hiruzen is located at the border of Tottori pref. and Okayama pref. in the western Japan.
Start point is in the Okayama pref side parking lot.
It was the autumn season (30 Oct. 2020) when I have visited to Mt. Hiruzen.
All the trees are changing the leaf's color from green to red or yellow and it was so beautiful.

Up to the second post, you need to go up with long stairs. After the fifth post, you may enjoy nice view of Hiruzen highlands. At the eighth post, you will see the summit of Mt. Hiruzen and also Mt. Daisen (Japan 100 mountains) at the west side.
From the peak, you may see the Japan sea, and Kurayoshi city and Togo lake in Tottori pref. at the north side.

Kami-hiruzen Parking lot                                        15min walk to the gate of trail                         Cedar forest at the second post

Mt. Daisen (1729m) at eighth post                                                       Colored tree and leaves                              

Peak of Mt. Hiruzen (1202m)                                                      Togo-lake and Kurayoshi city                                                      Mt. Nakahiruzen (1123m) and Mt. Simohiruzen (1100m)

Peak from eighth post                                                      Hiruzen highland                                                      Mt. Minagasen (1159m)

From Hiruzen highland                                                      From Hiruzen SA (Yonago Express way)                                                      Mt. Daisen
