Kamikochi to Tokugo-Toge Pass and Shimajima-Village (Memorial route)

1st day
Tokyo-Kamikochi, Taisho-ike Lake (Bus) Taisho ike-Tashiro ike-The Reverend Walter Weston (Memorial plaque)-Kappa bridge-Myojin ike-Myojin kan lodge
2nd day
Myojin kan-Tokugo Toge Pass-Shimajima vally(walk)-Matsumoto (Bus)-Tokyo(JR line)


Distance 1st day:10.8km, 2nd day:26km
Time 1st day:5hours, 2nd day:9.5hours
Start point elevation (2nd day): 1530m
Highest point 2130m
Elevation gain 600m
GPS (Myojin-kan) 3614'59" N 13740'02" E

'Kamikochi' is one of the most popular national park in the Japanese Alps, especially for the wounderful views of Mt. Hodaka from Kappa bridge and Taisho-ike lake are well known and so beautiful.
This trail will also follow the old foot print by Reverend Walter Weston in early 1900's.
He has passed through the Tokugo-Toge for eleven times to come to Kamikochi, since only this trail was available at that time.
The current route to Kamikochi through Kama tunnel can be only opened at 1960's.
You can see the chars (fish) in many ponds and creeks in Kamikouchi field.
Myojin ike and Hodaka shrine okumiya(pond) is one of the Power Spot and you can enjoy some burned fish in Kamonji hut. Mr. Kamonji was the mountain guide of Mr. Walter Weston in early 1900's.
Myojin-kan lodge has a nice bath room and you can enjoy your private room.

The blue colored berry called 'Sankayo (Diphylleia Grayi)' growing a lot in the pass to Tokugo Toge was very sweet.

It is so impressive for me to look at Mt. Hodaka and other mountain view at the Tokugo-Toge pass (2,130m) after 600m elevation gain.

Shimajima valley route has been well used and maintained, so it is not so difficult to walk. However, you are suggested to confirm the route condition at Myojin-kan lodge and Tokugo Toge hut prior to start, since the valley route is changing due to the weather and water condition.

Shimajima valley logging road is easy to trail with many sun shade by trees and fresh river sound.

Taisho ike bus stop                                                           Mt. Yakedake(2444m) hut                                  Mt. Hodaka from Taisho ike

Memorial Plaque of Reverend Walter Weston                                              Hodaka shrine okumiya                                  Kamonji hut

Mt. Myojin No.5 peak(2726m) from Myojin kan lodge                           At the branch road to Tokugo Toge pass                                            Sankayo

Tokugo Toge hut (2130m)                                              Nice view of Mt. Mae-Hodaka (3090m)                                            Mt. Yatsugatake (2899m)

Small bridge                                                          Gorge pass in Shimajima valley - It's so cool!                          Shimajima vally entrance
